Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Outserving The Competition


Outserving the Competition

Always render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be. - Og Mandino

It is the service we are not obliged to give that people value most.
John Cash Penney

One of my college professors exclaimed in class one day, “ If you seek to outserve others, you won’t find much competition.” It was years later, working as a sales professional , that I truly understood the meaning of that statement. If our focus is on giving instead of only getting, then we are swimming against the current, aren’t we ? Of course we need to “get” sales, “get” commissions, hit our quotas, and keep our families fed ; but we also have to provide a high quality product and service in order to make this happen. What is the value that we bring to the table for our clients, and have we articulated this effectively?

This shift has to occur within our thinking first, then is expressed in our actions. Out of the heart flows the issues of life. We must conceive it before we achieve it. Do we look for opportunities to bring value to our customers, instead of the rest of the sales herd that wants to take the money and run ? How do we successfully accomplish this ? The reps that are best at it show up, ask questions and listen. Listen to a customer long enough, and they will literally give you a road map to their business. Hear their pain points. What are their greatest challenges and how can you help ? Even if it means that your product or service might not be the exact fit for this situation or customer, are you still willing to help ?  A contractor reached out to me a month ago with a project, and after walking through the scenario, I told him that my product was not a good fit for his application. I made some alternate recommendations. He thanked me and went on his merry way. Last week, this same contractor called me back with a much larger opportunity, stating, “ Listen, I really want to find an opportunity to work with you and your product. “  By not forcing a square peg into a round slot, we generate goodwill with a client that will eventually want to reciprocate. And even if they don’t, then someone else will, because that’s how the law of reciprocity works within this universe.

By developing our “ serve “ , we become a consultant to our clients. You are not a pesky sales rep, you are a problem solver. You are an asset protector. You help snatch bacon from the fire, or edamame from the steamer, if you're vegan. Promote the best welfare of the customer and become the person who get’s called to the dog dish first. My friend Tony, who also happens to be a contractor , has worked with a Florida-based health system for years. I have watched him take a loss on projects because he wasn't pleased with the outcome of the installation . He has become a trusted advisor to the top people involved in the facilities & design department. They even ask him to help them with solutions for problems that are outside of his scope of work. Why ? Because they trust Tony. He has served this client faithfully over the years and earned their trust. They believe Tony has their best interest in mind, and he does. Other contractors have done business with this healthcare system, and do you know who ends up fixing their mistakes ? Yep, Tony. At the end of the day, he out serves the competition. How about you ? What are some areas that you can change to bring greater value to your client ? How strong is your serve ?

The more generous we are, the more joyous we become. The more cooperative we are, the more valuable we become. The more enthusiastic we are, the more productive we become. The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become. -  William Arthur Ward

A merchant who approaches business with the idea of serving the public well has nothing to fear from the competition.  - James Cash Penney

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