SalesManUp Blog
Watch Your Business Like a Hawk
There are times when fear is good. It must keep its watchful place at the heart's controls. - Aeschylus
Wetlands frame the back of our property, hugging a two lane road, as tall live oaks cluster around our Florida home. It is a peaceful neighborhood that we have enjoyed living in for over sixteen years. Because of the verdant tree growth and thick vegetation, our development teams with wildlife. Squirrels chasing each other or scampering for acorns is not an uncommon sight. Vibrant red cardinals navigate the trees, flying in a single file, like jet fighters in formation. Occasionally at dusk or dawn, one might see a lone white-tailed fox stealthily migrating across a local yard.. Then there's the hawks. While strolling around our circle, there's a pretty good chance you could see perched on a house dormer, an oak branch, or even a stop sign; a local raptor just keeping an eye on things.
Recently, in the cool of day, my wife and I were enjoying our morning walk; when suddenly, we heard the strong flapping of wings above. In unison, we looked up to see a hawk soaring over our heads with a stick in its beak. But wait, the stick was moving ? With further inspection, we determined that the two foot “stick” was actually a snake. From fifty feet away, to our right, we could hear a group of fledgling hawks in our neighbor’s tree, screeching with delight , as their version of a “Denny’s Grand Slam” was about to reach the nest.
Hawks are amazing creatures! Based on their innovative feeding habits, Canadian ornithologist Louis Lefebvre announced that hawks are rated as one of the most intelligent birds. ( Wikipedia ) The Hawk’s vision stands out as one of its greatest physical features and tools for survival. Experts say that the hawk has four types of color receptors in the eye, which gives them the ability to take in the visible and ultraviolet part of the spectrum. Hawks possess a large number of photoreceptors in their retina ( up to 1,000,000 per sq mm compared to humans at 200,000 per sq mm), which gives them fantastic long distance vision. ( ) Their eyes also allow them to maintain focus on a moving object at high speed, which no doubt aids in tracking down prey on the run. In short, according to, the hawk’s visual acuity is 20/2, compared to a human at 20/20, meaning they can see from 20 feet as well as a human can at 2 ‘.
The hawk’s diet consists of smaller animals ( i.e. snakes, lizards, mice, rabbits, squirrels, birds). They usually kill their prey with their talons. My wife can attest to this fact, as she photographed a hawk just last week, killing a squirrel . The hawk terminated the squirrel within its talons, and a few minutes later, flew away with dinner. No wonder the squirrel population has been dwindling in my area. During later inspection of the photos that she took , she was unnerved to discover, perched on the top of a lamp post within the same yard as the kill ; sat a second hawk silently watching the hunt.
A few other noteworthy characteristics of hawks is that the male assists the female in building the nest, and both the “ male and the female will cater and take care of the eggs for about a month until they hatch. “ ( Wikipedia ) Some species of hawks are monogamous and stay with the same mating partner for their whole lives. There’s a picture within nature of teamwork and faithfulness .
Screeching. According to, the male hawk screeches to announce his territory during the mating season. Hawks will also screech repeatedly while protecting their territory, generally warding off other hawks or predators. The female guarding the nest, along with the chicks, will also screech, communicating to the male hawk, “ bring home the squirrel bacon” ; as well as protecting their nests from intruders.
So how does this information apply to sales and marketing ? Glad you asked. One of the greatest characteristics of a hawk is their power of observation. They usually perch on a pole or tree or power line to gain higher perspective ; and look for hunting opportunities. We also, must learn to keep our eyes wide open and our perspective sharp, for new opportunities in business ; as well as occasions to fortify existing relationships. As Proverbs 27:23 ( Msg) encourages us,
“ Know your sheep by name; carefully attend to your flocks; ( Don’t take them for granted; possessions don’t last forever, you know.)...” We have to be vigilant not to slip into autopilot and cruise control with our businesses. We can never take our clients for granted, because there are other “ hawks “ circling above our business relationships, waiting for an opportunity to attack. No matter how fast we are flying from meeting to meeting, we must keep our eyes on the prize and never forget that success is discovered through service. It is hard work building a nest or a sales territory, and it is even harder work maintaining it and feeding it once it is successful.
There is a time to screech. Every sales rep is called on from time to time, to defend what is rightfully theirs - what they have toiled and worked hard for. There is no shame in this, as long as we walk with integrity. We do not live with a mindset of scarcity, but passivity is not the answer either, failing to protect our nest from predators. There is a time to speak up for ourselves. Years ago, my wife and I were forced to climb into a construction site dumpster to retrieve a product sample, in order to verify my legal rights to a project. A fellow “ hawk” from my own company, had deceptively claimed an entire school sale as his own. The problem was, the school was within my territory, not his. I had to defend my nest.
Be faithful to the task, loyal to your business partners, and vigilant in the fight. Watch your business like a hawk, and keep circling your turf.
It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through. - Zig Ziglar
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