About Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude.
- Nigel Hamilton
Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. - William Arthur Ward
With the celebrated holiday of Thanksgiving being upon us, I feel compelled to share a brief excerpt from a book called, "The Light and The Glory “ ( actually this is a summary, as written by Dr. James Sutton in “Windows II…) of America’s First Thanksgiving .
“ Although the bounty of the summer of 1621 brought a time of heartfelt gratitude ( the first Thanksgiving ), the Pilgrims’ obligation to repay the backers who had financed their voyage left them dangerously close to starvation. Food stores had all but disappeared.
At one point, a daily ration of food for a Pilgrim was 5 kernels of corn. With a simple faith that God would sustain them, no matter what, they pulled through. History records that not a single one of them died from starvation that winter. Not a one.
The harvest of 1623 brought a surplus of corn, so much that the Pilgrims were able to help out the Indians for a change. So joyous were they that they celebrated a second day of Thanksgiving and again invited Massasoit ( Indian Chief ) to be their guest.
He came, bringing with him his wife, several other chiefs and 120 braves. All sat down to a feast of 12 venison, 6 goats, 50 hogs and pigs, numerous turkeys, vegetables, grapes, nuts, plums, puddings and pies. But , lest anyone forget, all were given their first course on an empty plate.
They were each given 5 kernels of corn. “
Author Melody Beattie wrote, “ Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” Some of the great motivators of the past launched the thought that we should develop an “ attitude of gratitude.” Did you ever notice that thankful people are usually the most pleasant people to be around ? There is an aura of humility and appreciation surrounding those who give thanks for who they are and what they have. Whiners and complainers, on the other hand, are usually people we would prefer to avoid. It doesn’t mean that we don't ever face discouragement or tough circumstances, but we choose to be thankful.
And if we are blessed to be in a place of abundance in our lives, so that we have more than enough to meet our own needs ? Then this is a good time to reflect on how we can share that abundance with those in need. It is imperative that we remember the lean times, the tough seasons, the no-commission months ; and the oven -is-broken-down -and-we -are -still -using -the -toaster-oven times. It is a season of lack and lessons. This too shall pass. We cannot forget our challenges though, because they fuel the spirit of appreciation for our blessings. What do your five kernels of corn represent for you ?
“ Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. “ - Oprah Winfrey
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