Saturday, March 3, 2018
The Big One: Part 2
Sales Man Up
The Big One: Part 2
All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose. - Brian Tracy
We have a relationship with our customer, and that relationship translates into sales. - Richard Hayne
( continued from Part 1…)
What salesperson hasn't dreamed of catching “The Big One”? That massive dominate end-user in your market , or maybe that corporation whose power and presence extends around the globe. Our success can best be achieved through building long-term relationships. Like any good relationship, I have observed the following important traits that need to be present.
Know Your Partner
A good relationship exists when partners know and understand each other's Ike's and dislikes. My wife’s love languages are “ Acts of Service “ and “ Quality Time “ ( from Dr. Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages ). If I bring my wife flowers, that’s ok. I can buy her dark chocolate, and she is appreciative. But if I fix that light switch in the bathroom that has been driving her cray cray, that makes a huge deposit into her emotional bank account. I have spoken her “ love language”, and she is very happy with me. In a similar manner, we have to discover and learn about our clients, and know their Likes and dislikes . I heard of a sales rep who took a group of healthcare executives to lunch at a BBQ restaurant, not knowing that this particular system subscribes to Old Testament dietary laws that prohibits them from eating pork. Ouch. How NOT to win new customers indeed. What are our client’s pain points ? What are their major challenges within their business ? Better yet, I like to ask prospects, “who are your key vendors, and what do you like most about them ?” Then listen and take notes. People will clue you in on what is most important to them, because it is usually what they talk about. Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Servant Leadership
Like any good partnership, it cannot be all about me, nor all about you; but rather all about US. We do not lose our individuality ,but the sum of two becomes greater than the power of just the individual . If we operate in consideration and respect within our personal relationships , hopefully, it is reciprocated back to us. Being sensitive to the needs of others is not a sign of weakness, but rather one of wisdom, strength and love. When my wife chooses to wash and dry and fold my work clothes, she shows her love for me in a very practical way : which enables me to grab and go in the morning on my way out to make sales calls. Her action helps US operate more efficiently. If I am able to cook a meal or clean up the kitchen after dinner, I am reciprocating that love back, and acting as a team member because it is about US. Part of a genuine relationship is “ taking out the trash” and dealing with the mundane tasks of life. There is no gender assignment for household duties. Except for child birthing and breastfeeding, everything else is simply “ work” . The same applies to caring for the business needs of our clients. It is not all about a fairy tale carriage ride to a five-star restaurant, and sipping on martinis under the stars. There are day to day tasks to be accomplished that are not always glamorous, but they all contribute to the health of the relationship. If we roll up our sleeves and focus on the positive , the journey can be enjoyable no matter what the task is. It pays to be a servant. The first shall be last and the last shall be first.
Lastly, as in any good relationship, we must never ever take that personal or business alliance for granted. It requires us to work at it constantly but can be lost instantly. If you’ve landed that “Big Fish” , be thankful for the opportunity to serve. Keep listening and responding proactively. Never stop looking for opportunities to give, encourage and help. Keep on fishing.
The top salesperson in the organization probably missed more sales than 90% of the sales people on the team, but they also made more calls than the others made. - Zig Ziglar
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