Sales Man Up
Winning Attitudes
People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude. - John C. Maxwell
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. - Winston Churchill
Zig Ziglar, one of my greatest motivational heroes, once said , “ Your attitude determines your altitude.” Henry Ford stated, “ whether you think you can’t or think you can, you’re right.” We choose which attitudes to have every day when our feet hit the floor. No one else selects the way we think.. Possessing the right attitudes and motives precludes our success not only in the workplace, but throughput life in general. Being a sales professional requires each of us to see the glass half full, overcome rejection, experience wins and failures with Grace ; yet still keep pressing on one step at a time . Listed below are a few winning attitudes that have helped me over the years as a sales professional. I hope they help you too !
- Live to fight another day: So you lose the project or your spec gets flipped and you find yourself out in the cold. What do you do ? Man up or Woman up ! Don’t get mad at your clients. Stay in it for the long game, and live to fight another day. Preserve the relationship with your clients, because relationships will usually trump transactional business. Professionals buy from other professionals not Debbie Downers.
- Conduct a Post Mortem : You lose the sale. Find out why. Politely ask the client why your product or service was not selected and take notes. It may not be for the reason you speculated. There may be a stronger relationship with another vendor that bumped you out. If we hang our heads and slump away at the news of a loss, we will never find how we can improve our game. Ask the questions.
- Never Assume Anything: How easy it is to take that Strategic account or annuity client for granted ! Relationship principles are as true in business as they are in our personal lives- no one likes to feel used. We have to remain alert and attentive to our partners needs; while exercising consideration , respect and appreciation. Good relationships on all levels require a win/win on all sides in order to be sustainable. We can become derailed and turned sideways if we stop listening and only think about ourselves. Great relationships require consistent diligent effort, and they are so worth it !
- Respect People’s Time : I realize that this concept is a no brainer for some, but it goes a long ways in developing strong client relationships. If we know we are running behind schedule, then reach out to the client and let them know. They might even be secretly relieved because they have a deadline they are working on. If we are given one hour for a presentation, then finish in 55 minutes. These actions speak very loud and clear to our clients, “ I value you and I value your time. “ It is just not effective to “ show up and throw up “ . How many conversations do you enjoy when only one person does all of the talking , and it isn’t you ? Ask, listen , and then act.
- There is No Letter “I” in the word “ TEAM”: No man or woman is an island to themselves. Most sales professionals are part of a team, so what we do not only affects us, but many others as well. Treat people like, well, people. Not as ends to our own means. Do to others as you would desire to be treated. Communication is absolutely paramount, because keeping our Team in the Know is rendering respect- the same respect that we want in return. If we help enough people get what they want in life, then our needs will be met in the process. Always be grateful for your Team.
- Enjoy the Journey: Enjoy the journey: If you’re not having fun, then no one else is either. I think of the statement from the Joker The Dark Knight Batman movie, “ Why so serious?” Lighten up. Learn to laugh at yourself and at the comedy that life can bring. We all have quotas and forecasting, and bills to pay; but if we can’t enjoy the process , then schedule a vacation or find another occupation. Angry desperate people don’t sell anything! Take a deep breath, and enjoy the ride. I promise you, if you love what you do, then your clients will love working with you !
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. - Lou Holtz
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