Monday, November 4, 2019

Are We Controlled by Technology?

 Sales Man Up 

Are We Controlled by Technology? 

Our culture is all about shallow relationships. But that doesn't mean we should stop looking each other in the eye and having deep conversations.

Francis Chan

To say that technology dominates most of our waking hours would be an understatement! If you are a business person, you have more forms and modes of communication to keep up with today, than any other generation that ever existed- Cell phone, voice mails, emails, texts, social media; and don’t forget your CRM system! A new client sent me an email the other day to let me know that my voice mail was full ! It seemed like just yesterday that I cleaned it out ! Don’t forget to check your texts that fly around at the speed of sound. I noticed just recently that someone requested pricing from me on an email, a text, and a phone call within five minutes! Amazing ! shares some thoughts along this line: 

“ It's easy to get wrapped up in the endless excitement of technology: sending work emails from the comfort of your own home, catching up with old friends through social networking and constantly texting on your cell phone—no matter where you are. But when do all these technological advancements become a means to avoid what's happening in your life, right here, right now? 

Since technology has become more common in our workplaces and households, an interesting shift has taken place in the way we communicate with each other. Everywhere we look—walking down the street, driving in a car, eating in a restaurant, going to the movies—people can't seem to let go of their gadgets.

How do you know if you are spending too much time with your gadgets?
Here are some signs:

You can't get through a meal without checking your email or texting.

You talk on your cell phone or text while driving.

You use your gadgets when you are alone or because you are bored.

You communicate with somebody using technology when they are under the same roof.

The thought of being without your cell phone or email for a day makes you nervous.

Having lots of Facebook friends makes you feel better about yourself.

If you recognize yourself in these statements, then you may be somebody who hides behind technology. Add up all the time you spend texting and using social media sites, and you will be surprised how the minutes add up to hours—hours you could have spent reading a book, taking a walk in nature or having a meaningful in-person conversation with someone.”

If we are honest with ourselves , all of us feel overwhelmed by our technology from time to time. Why? I would compare it to a love/hate relationship- similar to living with an abusive ,toxic person that you can’t seem to get away from. Sure, they have some endearing qualities, but they end up dominating and controlling your life .We can’t live with them, and it seems like we can’t live without them !

Technology is a tool that we are all required to use in today’s modern business world . The intention , I believe , is to create greater connectedness, allow ease of access, and improve efficiency and flow of information. But are we really connecting ? It is easy to see this behavior just walking into your local Starbucks. Five people will be on their laptops ( I wouldTechnology be one of those..) , five will be fiddling with their smart phones, and at least two people will actually be sipping their coffee while engaged in real human -to -human conversation. I’ve observed this on many occasions. 

So how do we overcome this electronic dragon that seeks to dominate our time and consume our every waking moment ? Here are some thoughts : 

  • Be aware of how much time you are using technology 
  • Set boundaries : turn it off on weekends, no checking email until …?
  • Turn off indicators . Don’t be Pavlov’s dog !
  • Don’t answer calls or texts during meetings. Be present.
  • Be intentional about face to face encounters 
  • People first,  second 
  • Seek for balance. 

Becoming aware of the “technology dragon” , and setting healthy boundaries is vital for maintaining sanity while keeping up with our business ,and keeping our peace.

The human is more important than the technology. Make things more human. -    Steve Wozniak ( CO-Creator of Apple) 

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