Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Power of A Handshake

Sales Man Up 

The Power of a Handshake

In my lifetime, as a younger man, you were assumed to be an honest person. Your word was your bond, and a handshake was as good as a contract in business.

Mark Skousen

When meeting a person in business , it is customary to extend your hand in anticipation of them doing the same , so you both can clasp and shake each other’s hands. It seems like a natural thing to do , like saying “ God bless you” or “ gesundheit “ after someone sneezes. But why do we shake hands with another person ? Some cultures bow to each other with respect, while others embrace and kiss each other on the cheek. What prompted our Western / European cultures to adopt the shaking hands in greeting ? 

Handshakes as a form of greeting can be traced back to 5th century BC. Historical engravings show Grecian leaders embracing one another in a handshake of alliance  and comradery. Some say that during medieval times, the “shaking” of the hands ( and arms) , was intended to dislodge any hidden weapons that might otherwise turn the encounter into a not -so -friendly occasion.

The other elements of a greeting that accompany a good handshake are looking into a person’s eyes and verbally acknowledging them. The eyes are the lamp of the soul. Looking someone straight in the eyes creates trust. Have you ever encountered someone who refused to look you in the eyes ? How did that make you feel ? Uneasy, right ? This can also be true of someone who stares into your eyes for a prolonged period of time, so we have to be respectful of another's personal boundaries. A good salesperson will always look their clients straight in the eyes. This shows people that your motives are right, and that you have nothing to hide. The verbal component of our greeting goes part and parcel to acknowledging the person we are greeting. This action subconsciously whispers, “ I am human, just like you. You are of value, and I see you and appreciate you ! “

The University of Idaho wrote about the importance of a handshake: “ The way you shake hands speaks volumes about who you are as a person. For some people a handshake is just a useless formality but to others it is a massive indication of a person’s depth of character, trustworthiness and strength. When you shake hands with a person you are doing much more than saying “hello”. You are saying “this is who I am“.”

Ever hear the saying , “ How you say something is as important as what you say “?
How we greet and shake hands is as equally important. One day, while greeting a designer, I heard her hand pop when I embraced it for our handshake. She winced and pulled her hand back with a look of pain. I felt terrible. That was definitely not the kind of lasting impression that I wanted to make! Shake hands with confidence, but not domination. One size does not fit all. Some people may deal with carpal tunnel or have a hand injury. Some may be fighting a cold and only want to fist bump . Roll with it. An intuitive rep will adjust his or her greeting to the specific needs of their client. A greeting is like a first date- if it goes well, there is hope for a better relationship. If the right messages are not communicated and received up front, then you are dead in the water. 

 Remember this: Allies have been created with a mere  handshake. Wars have been ended with a simple handshake. Deals have been sealed with a sincere handshake. People that exhibit friendliness attract friends. Keep extending your hand in friendship. Keep smiling and looking others in the eyes, and keep building trust ! 

We're building a lifelong relationship with people, and every great relationship has to be built on trust.

Angela Ahrendts

The only way to get love is to be lovable. It's very irritating if you have a lot of money. You'd like to think you could write a check: 'I'll buy a million dollars' worth of love.' But it doesn't work that way. The more you give love away, the more you get.

Warren Buffett

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