Sunday, March 15, 2020

Peaks and Valleys

Sales Man Up

Peaks And Valleys

You Cannot Always Control External Events, But You Can Control Your Personal Peaks And Valleys By What You Believe And What You Do.

It Is Natural For Everyone Everywhere To Have Peaks And Valleys At Work And In life. 

― Spencer Johnson, “Peaks and Valleys: Making Good And Bad Times Work For You--At Work and in Life”

Who on earth doesn't experience ups and downs? We cannot separate the good from the bad, the bitter from the sweet, the banner months from the building months; because that is the law of the universe . Every rising market eventually experiences a correction. The other morning I was reminded of this fact while watching my lawn sprinklers watering my St. Augustine grass. I became acutely aware that my weeds were being watered along with the grass. Sometimes my weeds seem to grow better than the grass. I wish I could program my sprinkler system to only hydrate the good plants and omit the bad ones, but I cannot. Life doesn't work that way, does it ? I have to choose to deal with the weeds as they grow up and manifest themselves in my yard. The only thing I can change is my own actions. 

Markets change, don’t they ? What is up today might be down tomorrow. What is down today, will eventually go back up. An effective sales tactic or blockbuster product that filled the barn yesterday might not work today. Speaking of “ blockbuster”, just look at the change in personal entertainment -from videos and dvds to streaming. Who would’ve imagined wireless technology transforming the way we communicate over the last few years ? Video stores are on life support, while Netflix and Hulu rule the airwaves.

So how does this all relate to sales and business ? There are peaks and valleys within our markets and our territories also. Spencer Johnson tells us in his story-telling manner, that all mountains and valleys are connected. How we accept and move through both of these positions determines how long we stay in each. In other words, we can deceive ourselves in thinking that we will always live on the peak, that our product or service will always sell like hot cakes, and that those key customers or clients will always love us and sing our praises. During prosperous times, it is easy to get sloppy and over confident. We can even become prideful or arrogant about our high position, thinking that we are entitled to this level of success. Our standard of service and attentiveness to our clients can begin to slip. How fast we can fall from hero to zero !  I have experienced this in my own sales career, and it is extremely humbling to watch a third of your sales vaporize in an instant, due to external circumstances beyond your control. But what can we control?

We can take ownership of our reactions and responses. We are the master of our attitudes, mindset, and daily disciplines that are client-centered, and ensure our current and future success. Spencer exhorts us that while we are enjoying the success of the peak, it is wise to recognize and prepare for the valley that is eventually coming. By doing so, we can minimize the time that we will have to spend in that valley. You know it is coming, so why not prepare ?  Not everything about the valley is bad though, unless we allow ourselves to digress into a “ valley” mindset. In that valley, we are afforded a chance to pause for self reflection and honest lucid assessment of both our shortcomings and our strengths . When things were moving at a breakneck pace in the heat of the peak, it was easy to take those times for granted - easy to go out to dinner whenever we wanted or take that extended vacation out of the country. Lean times are educational sessions that teach us appreciation and thankfulness. Lean times also tap into our creativity and beckon us back to the most important things in life- relationships, our health, and peace of mind. 

Where are you today - in a peak or in a valley ? Both locations are part of the cycle of life and business . Jim Rohn so rightfully stated : “ Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” Wherever we go, there we are. We can choose to live in a state of happiness regardless of the landscape of life - whether on a peak or in a valley. The choice is ours. Peace and Good Health  be with you. 

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or  wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. - Jim Rohn 

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