Friday, July 7, 2017

What Are You So Excited About ?


What Are You So Excited About ?

“ Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Norman Vincent Peale once wrote , “ There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment. “ So what exactly does it mean to express “enthusiasm”? Is it something that we conjure up or emotionally fabricate within our own lives ?  Webster defines enthusiasm as “ to infuse a divine spirit, inspired, divine, God. “ . He also describes enthusiasm as , “ inspiring extravagant hope and confidence of success…” That statement pretty much sums up most successful salespeople.

Bottom line ? If you can't be passionate and enthusiastic about your product or service you are selling, then no one else will be. No, your widget may not save the world, but your belief in it has to be at such a high level that you know deep down in your bones, that the world cannot live without it. We emote what we believe in, and we emote what we don’t believe in also. As I sat at a gate waiting to board my plane at Orlando International Airport one morning, I listened to a kiosk vendor behind me run through a particular routine after every purchase. With a loud voice filled with excitement and passion, he would cry out after every order entered into his cash register, “ There’s your change Ms/ Mr. . Thank you so much for stopping by to see me this morning. Now you have one fantastic and awesome day ! “ To the younger ones he would add, “ Give me a high five, or give me a fist pump. BAM ! Oh yeah ! That’s what I am talking about . “ At first I thought this guy was a little obnoxious, but then I began to observe the faces of the people who’d stopped at his kiosk. They were smiling. They were laughing. They walked away with a spring in their step. Yeah, it was just a bottle of water or a newspaper, but they felt like they had just won the lottery. They felt appreciated. That was the effect of directed enthusiasm.

How many of us have experienced a purchase in a retail situation when the look on the clerk’s face said “ I don’t want to be here. I'm having a bad day. Just take your stuff and leave me alone! “ ? Think about that feeling, as we slinked away with our bottle of water or cup of coffee, acting as if we just walked in on a domestic argument ; or endured a colonoscopy . Compare that to Mr. Enthusiasm at the airport kiosk. Who would you rather do business with ?  Granted, life is lived somewhere in between. Too much passion can be like accidentally tapping into an electric socket. (  I did that once reaching into an older fridge that didn’t have a bulb in the light socket.) It is not our goal to overwhelm our clients by being overzealous and dramatic. Controlled enthusiasm is magnetic. It draws people in. It is genuine.  I watched the other passengers that morning at Orlando International, as we all began to lean in towards what was taking place at that kiosk. Many of us anticipated what was coming next after the cash register rang, and the positive mood was contagious. The enthusiasm of this vendor attracted us.

Do you have extravagant hope and a confidence of success ? What are you truly passionate about ? If you haven't already, find a product or a service that you can be positive about - one that you can truly believe in.  Choose a company you can have confidence in. Be  genuinely enthusiastic and watch opportunities begin to search you out !

“ The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.” - Aldous Huxley

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