Sunday, January 20, 2019

Kill The Snake

Sales Man Up

Kill The Snake

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet. - Bobby Unser

Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

It was the biggest snake I’d ever seen. Well, not exactly the whole snake; but it’s skin, from the back of the head to just before his rattlers, stretched the full length of my brother’s eight foot long bedroom wall. As a little boy of seven, looking up at this  massive snake skin was like observing a slain sea monster or a creature of the night which slithered through the Florida Everglades. As a matter of fact, my older brother Jim had stumbled upon this monstrous snake while hiking in the Everglades. The reptile was curled up in the sun, when Jim came upon him, and quickly pinned him down with a big stick. He decapitated him with his hunting knife. How was a teenager able to tackle a reptile that large ? The answer came when Jim skinned the snake, and found a rabbit inside of him! The snake was laying by a palmetto patch trying to digest bugs bunny when Jim nailed him. When asked why he killed the snake, Jim replied, “ A rattler that big was bound to kill someone if someone didn’t kill him first. “

So where in the world does this barbaric act connect with modern day business? We all deal with big snakes in some manner. January is typically the time for many of us to examine our habits and behaviors, and to set new goals. Can you think of any self defeating habits or behaviors that you need to change ? I know I can, and I have written some things down as action steps to help me make some positive changes in my behavior this year, starting today! I realize that on January 2nd, a proverbial gun goes off ; and we all seem to jump into this new season like a race horse galloping at full speed. I am convinced , though, that we must invest the time to schedule an honest evaluation of our past, and reflection about our future. This pause for reflection, helps us form the “why” in what we do. Without a solid “why” in life, we are like an untied blown up balloon, let go, and flying here and there until our air is gone.

Part of pursuing my goals this year has included establishing and cleaning up my own product library, reviewing and taking inventory of my sales tools, and organizing my electronic files so that I can quickly access any information that my clients might need. My desk is always a challenge as I struggle to tame the “ paper tiger”. I’d much rather be doing a presentation than sitting at my desk doing paperwork. Yet it must be done. Another personal goal- my mantra for this year- is to “ do it now”. When someone needs information, pricing or samples; unless I am driving or in a meeting, my goal is to get it done . I have to fight the temptation to put things off and do them later. It is easy to get busy and forget, and things can slip through the cracks. Following up and following through shows that we care, and this forges strong relationships on all levels. Words are easy to speak , but actions rule.

That big snake could also represent a huge business opportunity that you’ve set your sites on this year. Just like with Jim, timing is everything and persistence is King. We must be aware of our surroundings, stay connected and empathic to our prospect’s needs; and keep the necessary tools readily available to get the job done. Then enjoy the rewards of your labor. Just as Jim mounted that snakeskin onto a piece of paneling and nailed him to the wall ; take the time to enjoy your new business relationships with an attitude of thankfulness . Happy hunting !

Take time to gather up the past so that you will be able to draw from your experience and invest them in the future. - Jim Rohn

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Fresh Starts & Second Chances

Sales Man Up

Fresh Starts & Second Chances

The thing about Christmas is that it almost doesn't matter what mood you're in or what kind of a year you've had - it's a fresh start. - Kelly Clarkson

New Year's Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change. - Sarah Ban Breathnach

Dixie was lost and confused - found wandering around a busy four lane highway. A good friend, who seems to attract stray animals, rescued her ( she’s a dog magnet). The dog wasn’t much to look at - mange across her face, a dull black dirty coat, which accentuated her visible ribs and protruding back bone from malnutrition. When our friend whisked her away from certain death on a busy highway , this five month old black lab buried her face in our friend’s jacket. Long and short of it, my wife was called and rushed to the vets office to meet this stray five month old puppy. She immediately fell in love, but there was a problem- me ! We had lost our rescue Cocker Spaniel to old age and poor health two years ago . Tally ( named after the road he was found on by my wife’s sister…), had been a member of the family for over twelve years; and I wasn’t sure if I wanted another dog. I was set in my ways, liked my routine, and not quite sure if I wanted to disrupt my life by adopting a puppy. My wife needed to sell the salesman, and that is what she did !

That very same evening we drove to the local animal shelter to visit this mangy Lab. “ Just meet her...that’s all you need to do!” my wife had subtly coaxed me.
As soon as they brought Dixie out to visit us, she promptly hopped up onto the bench where we were sitting, draped one paw over my leg, and kissed my wife’s face. She looked at me with those deep brown eyes ( the dog, not my wife…) and we bonded. I knew that I was closed. Where do I sign ? Weeks later, after some treatments and spaying, my wife picked up Dixie at the shelter, and brought her to her new adopted home. Now we’ve had many animals over the years, and raised two awesome sons; but I had forgotten what it was like to have the energy of a puppy in the house. It’s almost like someone dropped off a toddler with a box of formula, said “good luck”, and drove off into the sunset. Raising dogs ( or children ) is work ! But my wife was up for the task ! In one week, she successfully taught Dixie to sit, high five, lay down, play fetch, and not to harass us while we are eating dinner. Actually, we are both being trained, because I am learning things along with the dog. Just as with Caesar, The Dog Whisperer, it seems that the owners need as much or even more training than the dog does.

Why have I shared my dog story, and how does this have anything to do with with sales, business or even the Holidays? Thank you for asking ! Bottom line, we all need fresh starts. Everyone needs a second chance. New Years present opportunities for new goals, resets, setting aside the past hurts , failures, or even successes ;  and moving forward. We are all faced with new challenges, new quotas and new expectations. Bringing Dixie into our family forced me out of my comfort zone, and into better habits - more walking, more moving, more time outside. This new addition has caused me to become a better version of myself, learning more patience ( except when driving in Orlando), and expanding my capacity to give and receive love. What new challenges and opportunities await you this year ? Now is the time for a fresh start .Today is a new day !

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. - Seneca
Let's forget the baggages of the past and make a new beginning. - Shehbaz Sharif

Happiness Is A Choice

 Sales Blog HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE HAP'PINESS, noun [from happy.] The agreeable sensations which spring from the enjoyment of good; that ...